Friday, October 26, 2012

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 9

Junk food should be banned from high school vending machines. For example it's a STRATEGY to prevent obiesty .
This shows that schools are intersted in the students' health.
This also shows that if kids didn't see the vending machine they wouldn't want it.
In addition, kids over use the vending machines at school.
This shows that school dont offer an ALTERNATIVE junk food.
This also shows that kids aren't mature enough when it comes to their wealth.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What is your favourite time of day?

My favorite time of the day is night time. Reason is because there is always mOre things to do at night because everyone is out of school and work. Also I have more energy and free time. It's fun at. Ight because there is party's or kick backs at your friends house